God’s Mental Health Treatment In Dreams


Many details in my life biography prepared me to be able to continue Carl Jung’s research and obey the divine guidance in my dreams, after verifying the sanctity of the unconscious mind, which Jung couldn’t perceive. He was loyal to the rules of science. He also was influenced by the atheistic philosophy of life of his historical time.

I verified that the cure for all mental illnesses is based on the cultivation of goodness in our hearts. This is God’s solution for the elimination of absurdity, since absurdity is generated by evilness.

The dreamer must work and use his or her own conscience in order to follow a process of transformation. This is like making brain exercises.

God’s mental health treatment in dreams is not a passive treatment like the mental health treatments based on medications, which seem to be simple, while they are extremely dangerous and ineffective.

A drug can only temporarily eliminate the unpleasant effects of depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and other unbearable symptoms, without curing the person’s wound. This is why it causes dependence, besides having horrible side effects.

Dream therapy is a safe therapy because it cures all mental health problems based on God’s wisdom, and not based on dangerous theories that don’t help the conscience of the patient resurrect, and work better.

You have to follow the natural and safe mental health treatment you receive from God in your dreams. God’s method is based on the purification of your spirit. You will surely become a better person and find balance by obeying the divine guidance.

You must desire to become a better person and do what God shows you in your dreams, and not what your ignorant and selfish conscience desires.

Everything that the commercial world is showing you is false. You must care about your spiritual evolution in order to become a mentally healthy individual. Your goodness will save you from terror and despair, and help you become a true genius.

I wouldn’t dedicate my life to dream interpretation based on Carl Jung’s method if it was not so important. I saw into practice that this method works when I was mentally ill, from 1984 to 1989.

In the beginning I studied many other methods of dream interpretation that didn’t help me in any way. I seriously followed only Jung’s method since August of 1986.

I started being really able to translate the meaning of dreams in 1987, but there were still many things that I couldn’t understand. In January of 1988 a dream prediction that became true in my daily reality helped me clearly understand the meaning of all the dreams I had written in my dream journals, since 1986.

In 1988 I finally became a dream expert. My progress was extraordinary. I was more than glad with everything I had found.

I started writing a scientific book in order to prove to the world that only Carl Jung’s method of dream interpretation really cures our brain and psyche. However, in January of 1989 I discovered the existence of a satanic primitive conscience in the human brain, and my enthusiasm disappeared.

I was completely cured thanks to my obedience to the guidance in had in my dreams and in various signs of my reality. Since 1990, I started curing many other people by using Carl Jung’s method of dream interpretation, which I had to simplify in order to work faster.

I discovered that we can translate the meaning of whatever happens to us in our daily lives as if it was a dream and have information about our reality and the future. We only have to know the dream language in order to discover God’s messages everywhere.

Dream translation according to the scientific method discovered by Carl Jung and simplified by me opens new horizons for humanity.


Source by Christina Sponias