An Integrative Approach to Mental Health Conditions


Today, mental health conditions are commonly diagnosed. Depression is widespread, and commonly treated with antidepressants. Attention Deficit Disorder is very commonly diagnosed, with stimulants prescribed quite often. Bipolar Disorder is becoming a common mental health diagnosis with medications prescribed frequently.

I have been a Board Certified practicing Psychiatrist for the past twenty years. My current observations are based on years of experience from talking to people diagnosed with these conditions.

I remember many years ago wondering why I was being asked to prescribe medication to children eating fast food and lots of sweets. How was I to tell if these children really had ADD, or were their systems “stressed” from lack of nutrients?

I also wondered about the role of our sedentary lifestyle in the increasing numbers of people diagnosed with mental health conditions. Chlldren seem to watch hours of TV and spend even more time in front of computers and video games. Yet, when we take them from this environment to a mainstream classroom we consider them distractible. But their brains have been programmed to absorb stimuli from TV and computers since they were very young. So are they really distractible, or have their learning circuits not yet been wired to learn traditionally?

And as for adults with sedentary lifestyles, it seems to reason that depression or mood disorder is a consequence.

Of course, many people with healthy lifestyles still suffer from depression, ADD and the like. But are we adequately evaluating the role of lifestyle when we make our diagnosis and prescribe medication?

Talking to literally hundreds of families is a very humbling process. The more you get to know people the less you really understand. As a clinician, my dilemma was always, does this child or adult need medication? And have all other variables contributing to distractibility or other mental health issue been addressed first?

Another area that is not typically evaluated in a routine doctor’s visit is that of exposure to environmental toxins. As a conventional practitioner, I used to believe only small numbers of people were particularly sensitive to the environment.

Pollution is everywhere. How can we think that pollution will not affect our health and well-being, physical or mental?

We usually think of pollution as coming from fumes in the air from cars or factories. It’s true, but pollution is far more widespead than that. The plastic liners that we use to feed our infants formula contain toxins. The carpets our babies are crawling on are full of toxins.

How can we think that consistent exposure to toxins, even microtoxins, and lack of nutrition will not have an effect on our children’s physical and emotional states? And how about ours?

Last year, several colleagues and I published a study on the effects of nutritional supplements in children with Bipolar Disorder. Out of 15 children, 14 demonstrated considerable improvements with addition of high quality nutritional supplements. All the children were prescribed psychotropic medication. After 6 months of nutritional supplements, their side effect scores dropped from 45.9 to 3.6!

Clearly more scientific research is needed in these areas. But if you are on psychotropic medication, or have a child on psychotropic medication, it would seem prudent to do everything possible to minimize stress in your bodies. That includes eating as healthy as possible. Healthy cells make for healthy bodies.

It also means vigilance around the issue of environmental toxins. In reality, we are all exposed to toxins, more than ever before. Also, cleansing the body with fresh water and quality supplements becomes essential for health maintenance.

A proactive approach to one’s mental health will go along way toward restoration of balance and stability of the mind and of the emotions.



Source by Mary F. Zesiewicz, MD

How to Improve Your teeth before the dentist

If one of the many people who feel guilty before the obligatory visit to the dentist, you might need the quick tips to improve your dental care. No one wants to look disapprovingly their dentist when they realize that not flossing regularly received since the last visit. Ergo, we decided to compile some ways to take better care of your teeth, so the next time you sit down in the chair at the dentist, you can smile wide, his mouth full of gleaming white teeth.

Take the time to floss, I actually Floss

Let’s start at the beginning, we know that we have mastered the basics of brushing your teeth when you wake up in the morning and before you go to sleep at night, but chances are that you probably skimp on the most important component of plaque removal: a dental floss. No one blames you, we know it’s a hassle, but taking the time every night before you go to bed floss your teeth and gums, to preserve the health status and quality of your smile vast improvement over the next few years.

Whitening rinse

Having nailed down the practice of flossing your gums every night, and struck the initial discomfort making that adjustment, it is time to focus on the aesthetics of your smile. Like many, it may have an unhealthy relationship with local providers cappuccino. Unfortunately for us to do a number on your daily coffee coloring of teeth. If you drink a cup or coffee or a glass of red wine consistently for a few years, the teeth are probably going to start in less than shining white. Do not be afraid! You can supplement the routine of daily whitening rinses to fight off these spots until the next visit to the dentist is a professional tooth whitening session.

Wear their retainers

Of course, no one wants to see her wearing braces miserable-looking gear, but there is a reason we should bear in the first place. If you start getting into the habit of sleeping without a nightly fixture, it runs the risk smile stretches back to the appearance before orthodontic work. You might talk a little funny when you first get out of bed in the morning, but it is a concession is worth it if it means that you will not lose the benefits of many years of wearing braces back in high school.

Adjust your diet

This one may seem like a no brainer, but apart from the dentist, most people completely ignore the effects that diet on overall health and appearance of their teeth. Adjusting your diet to accommodate foods containing less sugar and less harmful chemical ingredients will go a long way toward improving the overall strength and the coloring of teeth. While brushing, flossing, and rinsing can make a world that’s all you consistently can damage your smile by consuming the wrong foods. So do not smile a favor and get extra compliment to the dentist by eating right!

Tips to making this the hard days of Fitness

Tips to fitness with mentally difficult days.

I am the sun. Many people will tell me, “I do not know how you do it.” How do I do what I do, how I train, when I’m exhausted. How to do it? Everyone has a place in their minds that they can go to focus and get through the hard times. Make no mistake about it, is and always will be difficult days.

But. The difference is how we handle it.

That’s what I’m doing. That’s what I do. I have a passion for the iron. I’m addicted to war has been fought to improve myself, to show others that it is possible. If you want to be able to tell me that I can not do it. The more they say it is unrealistic, in my mind I am more determined to make it happen. Push me and I hit back twice as hard. There may be something else, something else will be good. You may be good at golf, it might be good landscaping. That’s what I’m good. As a bodybuilder to become a champion in my mind.

The first thing to look at the recognition that we need to focus on the task and not the negative thoughts that enter your mind. We need to realize that the choices that you make at the moment clue that you will achieve. Every action you take will put in there, and mold the victory.

So you will cancel the workout? Or to push through and prove that even yourself that you can do it. Then look at the inner voice and smile, knowing that it will be silenced?

You see war is not the external people, haters, bosses, etc. The war is on the inside, and that’s right where you want it to be, because you can call the plays, you can control the shift in momentum. Recognizing that the fight and use the key to achieving the Battle of what is possible. Over the last fifteen years that he had a drug-free bodybuilder had my share of days that I do not want to play more, I do not want to diet, I do not want to do the cardio, and I certainly do not want to push that food from that It smells like heaven. But if you’ve strung together a few bad days, and I will come out on top, I see that OK, and you’ll always be OK.

Secondly, we know that one of the keys is to think of anything that can be achieved. While the thoughts going through your mind day to day while keeping the goal in mind will allow you to keep going, if you think it is not worth it. A lot of times, up to a day that I’ll be thinking ‘why am I doing this? ” It takes a little time to remember why, and the reasons I started this journey. I challenge you to do the same. There will be bad days as well as things that you are passionate about, but we encourage you to remember why you started.

I challenge you to look for the goal, the reason why, if “in the trenches” in your head. Let’s not forget why. Whether it is family, work, or your own personal reasons, use it.It is increasingly important to the faith of vision and purpose, and it does not stray down the path no matter what challenges you face.

Benefits Consulting a Doctor Online

In the past few years, the increase was a significant number of Internet users and the IT penetration in India. As a result, people have been encouraged that health information online giving rise to numerous medical consultation and online portals. Although the concept is new, the increasing number of users and investors of these sites suggest their popularity. The idea of ​​online health advice who is very efficient and comfortable. Numerous advantages are:
• Access: This is the primary use of these services. The feasibility to interact with renowned doctors anywhere allows a consult at places where limited or no access to medical. For someone living in a remote area, or do not have insurance, this is the most simple and convenient way to get medical assistance.
• Cost:  In fact, seeking online help means no traveling expenses or lacking office, which results in saving money.
• Privacy: Some people are quite happy with the rise of online consultation, because it allows them to maintain their privacy. This is especially helpful for those who suffer from any chronic illness, or would like to discuss any critical health condition or topic. Patients who do not want to come out in the open air their illness or medical condition of fear rejection from society very much inclined online consultation. This gives them the freedom to various doctors, and they have the medical answers and solutions.
• Round-the-clock Consultation: The other important factor that contributed to the growing online consultation is the fact that now the patients do not have access to doctors any time of the day. Online healthcare providers are constantly making efforts to achieve more and more patients every day. So now a sick easily continue their daily chores and spend sufficient time for consultation with a specialist without compromising your time.
• Online consultation v / s Self Diagnosis: There are times when medical information related to a particular symptom, disease or medical condition from Google. But it is risky to rely on any medical information available on the various pages to diagnose the medical condition of people. Self-check may seem simple and easy, but it can lead to serious health conditions, if done wrong. It is very important to determine the root cause of your medical condition by using an accurate diagnosis. In such cases, counseling can help clear doubts in a special web safely and effectively. In addition, the Internet is full of countless sites offer information on a variety of health problems, but some are not reliable at all. So, a reliable source to offer appropriate guidance is strongly recommended.
• unfavorable drug: If we compare the drug telecommuting services, online doctor consultation definitely an advantage, as it allows patients to share detailed description of their condition. There is no time limit. Patients also the opportunity to submit their medical history and share reports.
• Hearing: is that doctors often rush to complete work in one of the major concerns of patients, without a chance to clear all your doubts. This is mainly due to lack of time at the doctors office or outside huge line of other engagements to the doctor to take care of. The online consultation will receive the exclusive right to spend the maximum amount of time discussing the issues patiently. There are no confusing or in any hurry to finish the session quickly. If you make an appointment for 15-30 minutes has been allocated to a patient, he gets to spend the whole time with the specialist.

How to grow taller through exercise

Exercise is very important and effective way to add some extra inches in a short frame. A healthy diet is important, but it must be combined with exercise. There are specific exercises that can help you successfully increase your height. They are mainly of the legs and spine. Doing these exercises regularly can increase height.

Exercise of the spinal column and ribs

This practice is performed in an upright position. Place your arms to the side and place it in front of the left foot to the right foot. Balance and distributes the weight evenly in the leg. Slowly slide left foot on the weight of the body. Lean forward and bend your left knee. Raise your heels slowly to keep the right foot on your toes on the ground. Put your hand on your left knee to maintain balance. Stretch your body forward as far as you can go. Stay in this position for 3-5 seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat this exercise with the other leg. The exercise is repeated five times each leg.

Lumbar vertebrae Task: knee joints and Butt

In standing position, place your hands on your hips to the legs. The distance between the legs should not be too much to bend your knees and slowly lower your body into a squat position. While squatting, extend your arms and fingers outward. Stay in this position for a few seconds, then release. Stand up and repeat the exercise five times.

Legs and Butt Exercise

Lie on your back, feet together. Make sure that your back on the floor. Place your arms to your side, place the palms on the floor. Pull your stomach, so you can safely lie on the floor. Lift your legs straight, then they are separated as much as possible, to create a V-shaped. Cross your legs. In and out continuously during the exercise. Repeat this exercise 12 times, then return to the starting position. The rest at. Repeat 12 more times.

Lumbar vertebrae and leg exercise

Begin the exercise sitting down on the floor and extend your legs straight ahead. Point your toes forward and put your hands on your hips. Slowly and carefully bend the body forward and extend your arms to touch his toes. Hold the stretch and return to the starting position. Keep your knees straight and relax. Repeat this exercise five times.

Lumbar vertebra Task: Butt and thighs

Stand with your hands on the back of a chair or the edge of a table for support. Place your feet together. Your feet should be about 12 inches off the chair or table. Slowly extend your right leg back as far as possible while firmly holding the chair or table balance and support. Bring your leg down slowly and repeat the same procedure on his left foot. Make your legs slowly lift and stretch your legs as much as possible. Use assistance when needed. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times for each leg.

If any of these exercises cause pain or discomfort, stop immediately contact a physician or any health care professional.

There are ways to grow taller than normal height

As we all know, at the height of an individual’s genetic predisposition. However, this fact does not exclude the possibility of higher and higher, if not more, at least 2-4 inches. There are some simple techniques to increase height. These simple techniques will help overcome the genes and lengthen the look of course. These include exercise, eating habits, adequate sleep and a healthy lifestyle to change this short section, we shall discuss the exercise as one of the main things that grow taller.

Practice providing thoracic vertebrae:

Experts are of the opinion that the stretching exercises will help to grow taller faster way to lengthen the bones. It is stretching the legs and the legs of one of these in practice. This stretching is called the thoracic vertebrae. This is a very simple exercise. Do sitting in a chair, an angled position. In doing so, be sure to support your back by placing a pillow or towel. Keep your hands over your thighs and stretch your legs and feet as much as possible. Keep your head in a similar inclined position. Thus, the body must have a head to toe an inclined position. Remain in this position for about five minutes. Repeat this exercise every day for a few months. This exercise is a good practice if you want to tone your abs, butt and thighs.

Stretch your feet:

In order to perform this exercise, you should keep your hands firmly on the back of a chair or a table. Now, one leg gently stretch your back. It stretches as much as possible. Keep your legs in this position for about a minute. Now that your feet back to its original location. Repeat the same steps with the other leg. This is a very good stretching, as is known to increase the height of the positive results.

Stretching the neck:

Neck exercises are also used to increase the height. To perform this exercise, a comfortable mattress. Keep your feet parallel to the ground in a folded position. Place both hands behind the neck, so that the fingers of both hands are interlocked with each other. Holding this position, while the right side of the neck. Stay in this position until you feel good. Gently bring it back to its original location in the neck. Repeat this time turning his neck to the left. Perform this exercise at least five times every day. This is a very good stretching exercise. It removes excess fat in the abdomen.

Some suggestions:

You will find more of these stretching exercises to grow taller. You can browse the Internet to learn more about these practices. Many of these practices include air regulator. This is why you can do, according to experts under the guidance of trained and qualified instructors.

The president of the Good Food Fitness

Another common fitness vice president of the food. Do you like the food? I know. It is extremely difficult to resist eating that second dose of dessert. So what can you do to solve this fitness vice versa? Many people believe that good food should give up completely in order to be healthy or lose weight. I do not agree. Moderation is the key to all things. You do not have to give up what you love, just cut back on how much it is that you eat.
Use a smaller Plate
It might say that they just want to get second or third of a smaller plate, but it can really help you eat less if you have a small plate. Tell yourself that you can get a table, no seconds!
Do not eat fast. Slow down, so the body has time to tell you that he was not hungry and pretty.
Pay attention to what you eat and the food. If you watch TV or talk during the meal, you will eat more. And you can not enjoy the food, and if you do not enjoy, you will not be fun to eat.
Stop grazing
It’s okay to have a few snacks in the day, but to stop the mindless grazing. Do not take a cookie every time you walk through the kitchen. Or do not eat candy sitting on the desk in the office. Think of snacks and a healthy choice.
Make it less fat
When cooking, it is very easy to make a favorite dish less fattening. Use plain yogurt instead of sour cream. Buy the ingredients that less fat and I promise you will not notice. And many restaurants offer healthier options, which are still very tasty.
Put Away Food
Place the food on it so that you do not eat without thinking. If there is an easily accessible and you can eat more without realizing it. Put it away, so that you consciously make the decision to eat more.
You do not have to give up the food that is healthy or lose weight. You just need to make smart decisions on what to eat and how to eat. It does not even have to stop eating fattening foods entirely, just limit how often you eat them and eat less.

How to add a few inches in height, of course,

The title is a paradox in itself; but there are ways in which you can grow at least a few inches taller naturally simply increases the body’s natural ability to grow. In other words, the purpose of increasing altitude, follow some natural methods, and you certainly have at least 2-4 inches of natural height.

Take increase natural production of HGH food:

One such method is the natural food we do. The food you need to do help of HGH (human growth hormone) levels in the body. For this purpose, it should be of food rich in vitamins, proteins, calcium, zinc, and other vitamins. Variety of chemical based medicines are aimed at increasing the level of HGH in the body. But these medications can have serious side effects and can also have a negative impact on the body. It is therefore advisable to follow the natural medicine and not chemical-based medicines. Browse the internet, and you will find more fruits and vegetables that help boost your HGH levels in the body.

Role practices:

Exercises play a vital role in enhancing HGH levels in the body. As you know, the exercises remove excess fat in the body, and at the same time they also improves blood circulation. During exercise, preference is given to stretching exercises. You can do practically providers such as pull up bars, bending exercises like touching their toes and so on. In fact, it is a lot of stretching exercises that are easy to implement and which may not even require any equipment. You can learn these exercises by visiting a reputable online consultation. Even in the Gym it would be able to steer, the settlement of such practices. If you know that a good instructor, he or she can exercise some popular train stretching exercises such as Cobra and Super Cobra on. As experts say, in addition to exercise, posture contributes to increasing HGH levels in the extra height of the governing body. Needless to say, such a huge impact exercise to obtain extra height. But, there is a word of caution. Before this exercise, you should consult your doctor. It would be preferable if these exercises under the supervision of an experienced and well-trained instructor.

Adequate sleep:

Another important element to increase production of HGH sleep. It should be adequate sleep. According to experts, you need to sleep at least eight hours a day. This makes the body completely relaxed. In addition to sleep, you also need to practice the right way of life. It must avoid junk food, alcohol, smoking, and so on. Remember, these foods will affect your HGH levels in the body, and of course that affects the chance of extra height.

Remove the stress:

As you are well aware, even the stress and excitement can affect your HGH levels in the body. In such cases, it can take to meditation and breathing exercise techniques. Here, too, it must be carried out under the supervision and guidance of a well qualified and experienced instructors of meditation and breathing exercises in addition.

Simple Yet Powerful Ways to Care for Yourself

When people say it is “pleased with the way they are” seem the right to live, that’s life. This statement may be a little hard to understand, but if somebody comes who has obviously done her or his health for granted.

For one, it is generally not acceptable that some people simply declare that they are taking over obesity, when the truth is, you can do better. Alcoholics, as well as other people who suffer from conditions that they are in fact under the control, not casually say, “I love myself, because this is who I am.” It sounds like an excuse, is not it?

Taking care of your health is more or less the same thing. You have every reason not to do what your body needs to avoid that this work, but it all depends on whether it is really time for him and willpower

What are the easy way to get there, you can do each day to keep yourself in top shape and really feel good and healthy? Here are some things that are in it to the must-do list:

1. Eat well and exercise enough.

More and keeping in mind the food you give your body, and do not jeopardize when consuming foods that are high calorie count and sugar, full of bad fats and artificial ingredients full of quality and quantity. Also, if you suffer from a condition that allows continuous exercise, you have to get up and move that body. Not everyone is a fan of the exercises and workouts, but many people who are committed to getting shaped dream, or should do so with drugs, need to exert extra effort and time to break it. Remember that even a little activity, if done regularly, can make a big impact.

2. Sleep.

You might often find yourself screaming against, so there is still much work to do, but there is no other choice but to get them done. Experts advise to never ignore sleep because they deprive themselves of it can cause a lot more damage than we thought. Lack of sleep has been linked with a full range of health issues, anemia acne to cancer.

3. Listen to your body.

Do not ignore if something is wrong, or painful. It has become a habit of many, especially those who do more things than you can manage to shrug off the pain they feel, as long as they can tolerate. Why did things go so wrong castle can not stand how much it hurts? We do not want the situation continues to deteriorate, so pay attention and remedied quickly.

4. Pay regular visits to health professionals.

Sure, it’s busy. Everyone purposes, how to juggle work and family life can be, making it difficult to pay a visit to the dentist (and wait for the tooth pain becomes unbearable). Putting off doctor appointments really worth risking your health, so make time. Be kind to your entire body. After all, you have to see if you can keep your business.